Find interesting mini projects for CSE and get started with an execution plan #BuildWhatYouLove
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Submit ProjectsBefore starting a project, be sure to select a project that will add value to your career goals. matches your programming interests. Explore the mini projects that are available and click on a project that appeals to you. Go through the project overview to understand the scope and prerequisites before you start a project. Once you have found a mini project that meets the above 2 criteria, go ahead and click Start Now to begin working as per the laid out plan.
Search for these projects if you are looking for python project ideas to test your python skills: Cricket alerts in Python WhatsApp APK for stickers Discord bot for stocks Web scraping Facebook bot Python interpreter
Search for these projects if you are looking for html, css, javascript projects or web development projects to hone your frontend development skills: Online Code Editor (JQuery) Online Code Editor (React) Slack clone using React
If you are new to programming and are not particularly interested in frontend, Python is a great option for you to start with. Learning python will come in handy for you at some point or the other. If you are particularly interested in building websites, you should focus on HTML, CSS, Javascript projects to deepen your skills.
Start with something that is beginner friendly :) It is okay to choose any project as long as you can learn/apply something. Read through the project overview of all projects and pick one that is interesting to you and covers the skills you want to explore.
Mini projects push you to dig deeper and find solutions on your own. Retention of skills is higher when you practically apply yourself to do something and figure things out by yourself. This is why interviewers always ask many questions related to your project to see how deeply you have explored the concepts and skills in the project.
3 to 4 months of effort 100+ hours of coding (at least)
Final year projects for computer engineering should have at least 1000 lines of code (ignoring comments, whitelines when you finish your final year project). Do a project that is meaningful and helps you learn better by applying your knowledge. Refrain from choosing a random mix of IEEE project topics for computer science. Opportunity to apply your knowledge and take your skills to the next level is very low in such projects.
Group projects with max 2-3 members are reasonable so that every member has a significant role to play in the project. Pick partners who share your thirst to learn and build something from the ground up.
No. The mini projects are equally valuable and a good learning experience for working professionals as well. In fact, if you already have the experience in software development, you will be able to take the projects to the next level by building features that make it even better.